50% of the Augustiner Brauerei Kloster Mülln OG is operated by the Benedictine Abbey Michaelbeuern – represented through Old-Abbot Nicolaus Wagner and Abbot Johannes Perkmann - and 25% respectively by Gabriella Cellina Fuchs-Barth and Dr. Heinrich Dieter Kiener.
(pictured from left to right: Stephan Barth, interests for Gabriella Cellina Fuchs-Barth, Abbot Johannes Perkmann, Old-Abbot Nicolaus Wagner/† 2.12.2024, and Dr. Heinrich Kiener).
The annual beer flow is estimated at over 15.000 hectolitres.
We offer seasonal beers such as Fastenbier (Lenten beer) or Christmas Bock-beer as well as our popular Märzenbier, which we offer all year round.