Family Atanassoff - Radish Specialist

The name Atanassoff has been equated with radishes since the start of time. In 2015 the Atanassoff family celebrated their 40 year anniversary of providing guests with the best radishes in our Augustiner food hall.  The radish is considered to be a great accompaniment to beer.

Aside from their great taste, they are also excellent sources of Vitamin A, B1, B2 and C. The skin or peel of the radish is the most important part and holds the most flavour and vitamins. The humble radish has been grown and cultivated with love by three generations in Kleßheim, Germany.

white radishes, black radishes, farm fresh eggs, Eiszapf'n (small radishes), freshly grated horseradish and radishes

Atanassoff Delicacies

Crunchy radishes Crunchy radishes
Fresh radish Fresh radish
Hard boiled eggs Hard boiled eggs